Youtube Mermaid Shows Wiki


Anywho, I had kinda lost a lot of my interest in Beyond the Waves recently. One of the reasons I had stuck around with it was out of nostalgia and my rad ideas for future seasons (GODS i still love my plotline for the runaway/abandon thing but i mean), but it was definitely leaning towards a nostalgia factor.

However, I know if I quit on mermaid shows in general I will regret it. I still have a lot of passion for the community and I miss what it used to be before becoming a little more mainstream (I quite frankly miss when Fin Fun Mermaid tails didn't immediately remind me of Disney princess challenge videos, mermaid slime clickbait content, all that annoying jazz). 

I have plenty of mermaid show ideas, but I don't want them to get tossed to the wayside like BTW has been for the past year or so. So I'm going to pick a plot I like that can be feasible for someone who lives out in the middle of nowhere, goes to a private school in a different town, and has little access to swimmable water.

When I think of my current mermaid show, I get embarrassed. Not because it's mermaids, but because it's not made the way I wanted and I do not feel good about a lot of it. There are things I am proud of! But when I see my cosplay photos or my animations I get a sense of pride that this doesn't give me. So. I'm gonna make something I can really enjoy and not be afraid to show my friends. Something people can be entertained by without having to remind themselves that it was made by a kid so it's decent for home-movie-stuff.

Thanks for sticking with me.
